Wednesday, January 28, 2009



I'm not sure what muse has inspired me to write again, but as of yesterday, after 20 consecutive days of silence, I'm back. Hope you missed me. : ) Oh, and I'm feeling rather cheeky tonight, so beware.

Not much has been happening lately other than the usual going-to-class excitement. The one exception being that I've been going to the gym an average of five days a week for the past 3 weeks. I really love going (most days). I go with at least two other girls, sometimes more. My friends are awesome encouragers, and heaven knows I need it sometimes. The best part about working out is that it's fun. We do lots of different things, so we don't get burned out on one thing in particular. Another plus is that I'm taking a step in the right direction towards bathing suit season. That never hurts. Plus, I feel so much better (when you get past the soreness).

The semester has been rather blah, not for one particular reason or another, just has been. I'm hoping for a turn around, because yesterday I had a really great day. There was nothing really spectacular that happened (sadly, I didn't win the lottery), but I just felt great, was in a good mood, and got lots of things accomplished. In my book, that makes for a great day.

Now for a shocking, disturbing-nay horrifying newsflash:


(Dun, dun, dunnnn...)

Now here's the latest news out of a small Starkville kitchen:
An innocent woman was seen cooking blueberry pancakes when suddenly, something went horribly wrong. The pancakes mutated and took on a life of their own. This was the outcome:

So that was the saga of my first time making blueberry pancakes. I did, however, make successful apple cinnamon muffins, chocolate chip muffins, and my first fritatta. They were all quite delicious.

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