Thursday, March 26, 2009

From Turmoil to Peace


Last night a line of storms came through the Starkville area. I get pretty nervous when it's bad weather cause I'm pretty scared of tornadoes. There weren't any in our area last night, but I still had trouble sleeping. Today was in stark contrast to last night's chaos. As I drove to school this morning, the combination of the dark brown of the wet tree trunks with the bright green of the leaves was very beautiful to me. It reminded me of something out of a movie. As the day progressed, the sun came out and the clouds cleared to make room for a beautiful blue sky. The weather was perfect. A gorgeous day to sit outside and just soak it all in.

In less than six hours, the weather went from turmoil to peace.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do our lives not follow that same path? In the midst of the turmoil, you can't even imagine what the peace is like. But the peace comes like a hug from God after every storm. Just don't forget that God is there with open arms during the storm too!