Thursday, April 23, 2009


This afternoon, as I walked back to my car after classes were done for the day, I was in a pretty good mood. It was a gorgeous day outside, and I was finished with three of my five classes. I reached my car and opened the door to get inside. The heat enveloped me like a blanket. It was a welcome feeling because it had been absent so long. That feeling can only mean one thing: summer is well on it's way.

Have you ever felt like you were two different people? I feel that way very often. It's as if the person who everyone sees is very different from the person who very few, if any people see. Maybe not two totally different people, but definitely not the same. On the outside, I am meek, polite, and soft-spoken. These are not bad qualities to have, but sometimes people take advantage of them. Others see these qualities and assume I am lacking other qualities, such as confidence and ambition. If only people could see what's inside. There is such passion, ambition, and downright fire inside of me. There are times I would like to chew people out for being stupid. Other times I want to go at something with all that's in me. Everyone who knows me (aside from my family, because they have seen it on occasion) would be totally shocked if they saw this coming from me. The things I feel inside are hard for me to express. They don't translate well to others. I think that the people I'm around either hold this back, or let it come out. One day there will be someone who will be able to see all that's behind this facade, and see who I really am from the inside out. Every layer and fiber of my being. I'm waiting for the person, and only the person who can do that.

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