Friday, December 16, 2011

Just Do It!

While I'm waiting for the Benadryl to kick in and quiet this noisy brain of mine, I thought I'd take a minute to write.
No, this isn't a post about Nike, but I think their slogan works nicely for where I'm going with this.
Too many times in this life have I over thought and over analyzed an idea or situation and in the end gave up or talked myself out of it. I will never accomplish any goals or get anywhere in life if I keep doing this! I have to "Just Do It!"
Now I'm not saying you shouldn't think about things before you act. God knows this has saved me from embarrassment and mistakes many, many times. But after you consider something, act!
I have been saying far too long that I need to lose weight. I need to cut the high sugar and carb intake, drink more water, and get off the couch. I know this and have weighed all my options, but I fail to act. My wedding is in 358 days. I refuse to not look and feel my best. I will act.
I will set small goals each week so I don't drown in a sea of disappointment and failure. My goal for next week is to walk 4 days and not to drink sodas. I think it's attainable. No, it IS attainable.
I am hoping that this plan will help me feel better about myself and will motivate me to do other things I want/need to do.
Question: What motivates you?

1 comment:

Mrs.H said...

Ben asked me to start walking with him and Andra every morning. We get up at 5 and walk 3 miles. This week the weather and his work schedule (he had to leave the house by 5 on 2 occasions) interfered. I suspect we'll make up for it on Saturday, though. Do it! Find someone to go with you (accountability partner).