Thursday, March 1, 2012


I am finally employed again after almost three months and many job applications.  It isn't the job I thought I was going to get.  I had interviewed with one company three different times.  I kept calling to see if the position had been filled, and it hadn't, so my hopes kept high.  It seemed like a perfect job for me- entry level, great pay and benefits, and something I could really see myself doing.  But it had been almost two months since my first interview.  Then another offer came along.  It wasn't ideal, and it payed less, but it was more than I was making at the time (nothing).  So I called the first company one last time and explained my situation.  They basically said they weren't able to hire anyone right now.  So I accepted the other offer.  I'm just so glad to be employed again.  I'll work hard at this and hopefully it will be a good experience.

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