Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Goals so far...

We are 6 days into 2016!  Here's a little bit about how my goals have been going this week.

Health: I have not done well with sleep lately! I'm averaging less than 6 hours a night this week.  Not cool.  But we have been busy, and my husband isn't back in school yet, so that has kinda made our schedule different.  I am working on drinking more water, but haven't hit my goal in that yet.  I have made progress walking! I walked on my treadmill for an hour on Monday, and yesterday I painted for 3 hours, so I think that's an acceptable substitute!  I am also watching what I am eating as well. A friend of mine started a private Facebook group that is an accountability/encouragement group for accomplishing whatever health/fitness goals you have this year.  I think it will be good!

Marriage:  We haven't scheduled our date night yet, but it will happen this month! At some point...
I think I am doing better with the phone as well.  Anyone have a book recommendation about marriage?  I'd love to hear them.

Personal:  I am getting back into my routine of listening to podcasts and periscopes during certain times in my work day.  I love listening to the ladies I follow and learn from them.  I am also reading my first book of 2016, Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson.  It is a Christian fiction suspense/romance novel- my favorite category!  Love it.

Business:  I haven't gotten back to posting on my business pages yet, but plan to work out a schedule today for that.

What are your goals and aspirations this year?


diannanicole said...

You should check out Deeanne Gist and Charles Martin if you haven't read anything by them before. I recommend Beguiled (a Deeanne Gist coauthored book...suspense/romance), A Bride in the Bargain (Gist), and When Crickets Cry (Martin).

diannanicole said...
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Mississippi Girl said...

Thanks! I am hoping to read lots of books this year. I will check those out.