Friday, July 31, 2009

Winding Down

Our trip to the Hill Country was great. We spent four days in a cabin that had a river nearby. It was great spending time with my family, eating, talking, and playing in the river. The scenery on the drive up there and back was really pretty. I also had plenty of time to think through some things, and I have to say I came back better than I went. I've got a peace of mind about things that I didn't have, and didn't expect to find anytime soon.

The summer is starting to wind down. It makes me sad, because there is still lots I'd like to do and it seems like I'm running out of time. I don't enjoy the transitions I have to make between my life here in Texas and my life in Mississippi. It's hard for me to go back and forth between them. If I could only combine the good parts of both, I'd be one happy chica. I miss my friends in Mississippi, but I am going to miss my family and friends in Texas when I go back to school. But such is life. I've got some time left here, so I'll take it day by day, and when it comes time to leave, I'll embrace that eleven hour drive back to my Mississippi, and look forward to the good times that lie ahead there, here, and somewhere in between.

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