Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What's Up Wednesday 6/17

Here's what's up since last Wednesday:

 Goal Planning Workbook- during my "Make Over Your Mornings" course, one lesson was about goals.  The resource that was listed for extra study was from the Creative Home Keeper blog. She has a Goal Planning Workbook to help you create specific and actionable goals. You can find the workbook here. I printed it two on a page, so that it would fit in the back of my mini binder planner.

Swagbucks- I am still "swagging" away! I am up to 2,100 points.  My goal is to get to 2,500 points within 60 days of joining so I will get a $5 bonus gift card. Almost there! If you are curious about Swagbucks, or want to sign up, click here. I will get referral points if you sign up at that link.

Proverbs Bible Study- My dear cousin posted a link to a Proverbs Bible study on Facebook and asked if anyone wanted to join her.  It is one of my goals to have a devotion every morning.  I am already signed up for the Proverbs 31 Ministry emails, but I wanted to do a bit extra.  This study is done by the Good Morning Girls at Women Living Well Ministries.

Theme of the Moment- Setting goals.  I want goals that are realistic, specific, timed, and actionable, so that I might actually reach them!

Picture of the Moment-


Rachael Ross Newman said...

Your blog is looking great! Beautiful verse and picture!

Mississippi Girl said...

Thank you!!!