Friday, June 26, 2015


As happens every so often, I am in the mood to purge.  I have a tendency to keep clutter.  I am much better now than in the past, but I am still a work in progress.

My philosophy on clutter is this: only keep those things that are used, loved, and special.

I am especially bad about paperwork clutter.  I do throw away junk mail as soon as I get it, but it's those other papers that I might need that get put into a mail holder, and it gets more and more stuffed. Ideally, they would be filed away.  Needs to be a weekly task...I'll have to add that to my planner.

My closet is another area that I have to stay on top of.  Everyone has those particular items that are favorites and go-tos.  Then there are those things that get pushed to the back and never worn.  Sure, you need those specific special occasion items, but past that, why keep that blouse that just doesn't look or feel quite right?  Give it away or sell it.

I am also bad about the tiny things in my house.  Half-used tubes of lip gloss, a trinket that I got somewhere or someone gave me that's piled in a basket with other forgotten trinkets.  These are the hardest.  I tell myself that it's pretty, that I might could put it somewhere... But alas, it stays in that basket or that junk drawer.

I have also been thinking about presents.  As I get older, I find that I don't want "stuff" for presents.  Sure, there is always a couple things that I want, or that I could use, perhaps for the house or my office, etc.  But most of all, I want to make memories, or have small gestures of love and thoughtfulness.  I feel as though I am giving others clutter too.  I am looking for ideas for presents that would be meaningful and useful, without adding to someone else's clutter.

What ideas do you have?  What kinds of gifts do you like to give or receive?


Unknown said...

Ryan and I started doing trips as gifts. Christmas/birthday was a cruise. Anniversary was a trip to Six Flags. I have way too much stuff and I don't really need or want anything, but time spent with the hubs is great!

Unknown said...

Honestly, I always say books because to me you can never get enough of them! Artwork that I make is a favorite of mine to give! Or for showers you can always buy cleaning supplies or stuff that you know their going to need and buying those things for them will save them money since it is already on hand.

Mississippi Girl said...

I love both ideas. Trips are something I love. I'd rather make memories that collect stuff. I also love giving and receiving handmade gifts! And books! Especially Kindle books because I am running out of shelf space...