Friday, September 26, 2008

Hello to a Much Anticipated Weekend

It's the weekend!!! You might be wondering why it was much anticipated. Well, that's a good thing to wonder because that phrase hints at something spectacular happening. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm so very glad it's the weekend just because it's the weekend. No classes! Time to relax. Just the wonderful feeling you get knowing it is Saturday. That's all. I'm not that hard to please most of the time. But you might not want to ask my parents or close friends to qualify that statement. :)

Something of note is happening this weekend, actually. The celebration of my 20th year on this planet. That's a pretty big accomplishment, don't you think? I survived the terrible twos, the giggly pre-teen years, up-and-down teen years, and my first year of college-and my parents didn't take me out! :) I've gained a lot of knowledge, some experience, and small amount of wisdom. Life has taught me to be strong, to laugh a lot, even through the tears, and to be kind to people.

That's all for now. :)


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!! (again) So how are you coping with no longer being a teenager?

Mississippi Girl said...

Seem to be coping fine. I've got about 29 1/2 hours of "adulthood" under my belt. Pretty good, don't ya think?

Unknown said...

Most definitely. Bravo!