Wednesday, November 11, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 11

Today goes along perfectly with my 30 Days of Thankfulness blog series.  It's Veteran's Day.

So today I am thankful for all our veterans.  Those who fought for our country many times in the past, those who are fighting now, and those who will fight in the future.  It takes a special kind of person to give up his or her life and commit to serving our country with everything they have.  Many times, at the highest cost.  Even those who come back whole in body, sacrifice in other ways as well.

It seems like support for our military in this country is so small.  There is an overwhelming unappreciation for those who serve. The men and women who come back from overseas do not come back to a ticker tape parade as they have in the past.  It's a quite welcome home from their loved ones and communities.  Our veterans are misunderstood many times.  It's not the act of war itself that leaves the mental and emotional scars, but the loss of brothers in combat. Being in a state of highest alert for months on end, then coming home and be expected to just get back to "normal."

We need to continually show our support for those we know who are serving or have served.  Give them love and thanks more than just one day a year.  Show community support for our men and women coming home from overseas.  No matter your political beliefs, these incredible people deserve our love and devotion at the very least.

Day 1 and 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5 and 6
Day 7 and 8
Day 9 and 10

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